"There is only soul evolution, and you are an integral part of the Kingdom of God."

Christians Evolving Beyond Dogma
Rev. Dennis Shipman was born and raised Roman Catholic, attended Catholic elementary and high school for 11 years, served as an altar boy for seven years, and left the religion at age 18. About five years after high school graduation, he experienced a sudden, spontaneous, profound enlightenment known as Oneness or Union with God. This event happened quietly, blissfully, at work, and it changed his life forever.
The amazing journey of his radical transformation of consciousness beyond societal-cultural and religious-philosophical beliefs to astonishing yet reassuring revelations of humanity’s intrinsic nature and true identity are described in ONENESS: The Awakening Experience.
Let the healing begin!
Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to leave your religion. And, perhaps you feel angry and disappointed and betrayed. You might feel that you’re disobeying God and that you might go to eternal damnation. Don’t worry! It’s a perfectly natural reaction. At some point along the road, you will come to realize that leaving your religion is a favor you granted yourself and a blessing in disguise! And, that God will not punish you to eternal damnation because it doesn't exist!
Choices! Choices! Choices! Now you have some choices. You have a lot to re-discover about the true blissful loving nature of God, the intrinsic nature of your awesome beautiful soul, and how life really works to empower you and support your abundance and prosperity! It’s time to begin your healing.
You are the creator of your life! You are free to design your own spirituality. There are no rules. There is no dogma to follow. It’s not necessary for you to belong to a church or a religion or even a spiritual path to find God, to find your essential core as the heart-light of Love Itself. Because the Truth you want to know and experience already exists within you, in your heart and soul. It's only a matter of bringing it to your conscious awareness.
Stop Labeling Yourself! First, don’t buy into the labels some folks are trying to impose upon you. For those leaving the Catholic religion: There is no such thing as an inactive Roman Catholic, or terms like “ex, lapsed, former, non-practicing, retired, or recovering.” Or, once a Catholic, always a Catholic. Same goes for Christians. These phrases and terms are a complete mis-understanding of our intrinsic relationship to God and our journey to God-realization. There is only soul evolution, and you are an integral part of the Kingdom of God.
Adopt a New Perception! Consider adopting this perception: You have now evolved beyond dogma to a new level of freedom that will lead you to a new understanding about God and your relationship to the Kingdom and to your Divine Self. Now you are in a position to find the answers that work for you in your continuing process of unfolding within your soul what’s already there that leads to expanding your light, love, peace and joy in life. This website might hold a lot of the answers you are looking for, but the greatest answers will come from your own Divine Self. Learn to listen, and listen to learn!
Begin a Self-Healing Program! Most importantly, if you want to feel good about yourself, it is in your highest and best interest to undertake a self-healing program to heal any issues you might have with the religion you left. You can begin healing your anger and disappointment by stop blaming the religion for not being more responsive to your spiritual needs. The religion is not the problem. It is an experience and learning lesson for those who need it. You don’t need it anymore. You have evolved beyond it. Seeking professional counseling might be a way to help you in this endeavor.
Practice Meditation! Begin this practice as soon as possible. Meditation is the primary tool for self-discovery. It will lead you to the light and love of your soul. Two meditations exist on this website for you to explore: The Power of Meditation: Journey to Unconditional Love and Heart Source Breathing by Amma the Divine Mother. Click titles to access.
Read Spiritual Information that resonates with you (Books, Magazines, Websites, Facebook Spiritual Groups, etc.). If the information resonates with you, then there's something there for you to explore and take a closer look at. Embody what resonates with you. If it doesn't resonate, then don't worry about it. It might resonate later. It's all about what resonates with you.
Find a Spiritual Support Group and/or Church that resonates with you, and do your utmost to master the spiritual principles it teaches. Church and support groups are not necessary for your spiritual evolution, but many folks find they offer a lot of value. You will know when its time to move on to a higher teaching/learning.
Surround Yourself with Positive People, Places, and Activities! These things will keep you upbeat, energized, alive, with a sense of purpose and renewed meaning, and pointed in the right direction. Let go old beliefs and transform them into spiritual truths. Walk your talk and live the spiritual truths you adopt. It's all about returning to the Divine Love and Light of your soul.
Learn to Pray Effectively! Find your own method or use the following one I use: (1) Begin your prayers by telling Spirit (Creator God, Source, Prime Creator) all the things you are thankful for. Gratitude is very important on the spiritual path, as it is everywhere else in your life. (2) Talk to God like you would talk to a close friend. God wants to know what's going on with you. Don't be afraid to pour your heart out to the Divine. Be as positive as you can in your telling. Remember! You create your reality. And, you don't want to create more pain and suffering for yourself. Because God (aka the Universe) always says, "YES," and gives you what you ask for. Always! (3) Ask for what you want or need to move your life forward. (4) Close your prayer with gratitude and thankfulness. I like to close with: "I make this request in the name of our Great Creator God, the Christ Consciousness, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Pray for Your Own Enlightenment! Ask God to grant you the exquisite experience of feeling the power and majesty of Divine Light and Radiant Love. It is the crème-de-la-crème of the human experience. It will change your life forever!
So, be excited! New vistas await you! Give yourself the quality time and energy, intention and attention you need for healing and self-discovery – and integrate the answers and truths that resonate with you into your heart and mind to expand the light of your awareness and evolve your soul.
CHRISTIANS HEALING TOGETHER - EVOLVING BEYOND DOGMA was founded by Rev. Dennis Shipman to help open-minded Catholics and Christians to evolve beyond dogma and move to the next level in their spiritual awareness by providing insights and understanding into the nature of God for renewed spiritual passion and soul evolution.
It begins with an understanding of what Rev. Shipman terms the Trinity Foundations of Belief and Knowing found in three important and often overlooked Bible passages. A brief interpretation follows next of their inter-relationship based on Rev. Shipman’s profound experience of Oneness and over 50 years of meditation, contemplation, prayer, and living the universal laws of spirituality.
Take these insights into your meditations and prayers and ask for God’s Light of Truth to shine within you to validate your own thoughts and feelings about how you resonate with these insights. Let the healing begin!
Trinity Foundations of Belief and Knowing
"The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)
"God made us in the image and likeness of God." (Genesis 1:27)
"If thy eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." (Matt. 6:22)
These three Bible passages sum up the teachings of Jesus the Christ. When you become aware of the totality of the light of their knowledge, you will be well on your way to discovering a new passion for your spirituality and also your life. The life of Jesus is all about inward healing and having your own experience of God.
- There is only one God or Spirit. It is much different than what we have been taught.
I call it, Divine Love. It is not found outside of us in some faraway heaven that seems remotely connected to us. Divine Love exists within each person, in a state of being so pristine, so exquisitely beautiful, that it defies description. The essence of each person is Divine Love.
- The intrinsic state of being of Divine Love or Spirit is fearless, invincible, eternal, infinite, stillness, formless consciousness, omnipresent, omniscient, profound joy and peace, all-powerful, boundless unconditional love, innocent, and sinless.
- There is no difference between the intrinsic nature of Divine Love and the Soul’s true nature. God-realization or Oneness validates the Bible passage, “made in the image and likeness of God.” (Genesis 1:27)
- The Soul is God-like, created with the same intrinsic nature as Divine Love Itself.
- The Soul is a perfect creation of unspeakable Divine Love, in a state of grace forever. It is an individualized aspect of Spirit, yet not separate, that can be symbolized as in the relationship of the wave to the ocean. The ocean has become the wave yet remains the ocean.
- Each person is a living Soul, a powerful light-being of radiant light and boundless love, in human form.
- Each person is already at-one with Divine Love Itself, and one’s awareness just needs to be reminded of this fact through the experience of Oneness or enlightenment.
- Each person is God’s light, joy, creativity, aliveness, abundant prosperity and love. We do not fully understand the Creator God’s love for us.
Jesus was human and divine. He was not and is not different from us. He knew the same God-Light in Him also exists within each of us. His life and resurrection are triumphant reminders of who we are: Multi-Dimensional Light-beings of Love incarnate in Human Form (God-like).
- Jesus cannot save us; that is our responsibility. Jesus is our elder brother who can teach us about the nature of God and show us the way to know and feel the presence of our God-like Divine Love essence.
- Jesus embodies a permanent state of Oneness with God known as Christ-Consciousness, which is Divine Love. The Soul is Christ-Conscious, and each of us is a Christ. Divine Love incarnate in human form.
- Jesus did not die for our sins. Each person is responsible for uncovering the Christ within, and must heal one’s fear-based thinking and feelings and transform their consciousness into their essence of Divine Love.
- The conscious experience of Oneness (aka Union with God) in one’s lifetime is available to all. No one is excluded.
- An experience of inner Light and unconditional Love (Oneness) proves the existence of your divine true nature of your soul.
- Oneness takes us beyond religious belief to spiritual knowledge of the true nature of Spirit and our Soul.
- The belief in separation from Divine Love Itself is the grand illusion we all face. The experience of Oneness ends the illusion of separation.
- When Oneness or Union with God is experienced in the mind’s eye as radiant Light and boundless Love, it validates all three Trinity Core Foundations of Belief, two of which are statements made by Jesus: “If thy eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of Light” (Matt. 6:22) and “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21) and “God made our soul in the image and likeness of God” (Genesis 1:27).
- Formless consciousness (Divine Love Itself) creates, sustains and evolves creation. It is everywhere at once, and it interconnects all creation, including the hearts and minds of human beings. Everything is connected by consciousness.
- The consciousness of human minds is joined with the infinite consciousness of Divine Love; they are not separate. They are inter-related with each other; able to access the same spiritual source of information.
- Earth is a school house for incarnating souls to evolve their consciousness and play out their life plan in human form.
- We are Spirit in human form; and not a human having a spiritual experience. Our home is not of this world. Spirit is our home and origin. From Spirit we came and to Spirit we shall return.
- Each person volunteered for life on earth. We are not here by chance or luck but by design.
- Freewill is the Soul’s sacred birthright. Divine Love always says “YES” and never denies or interferes or infringes upon our freewill choices. We are free to create whatever we like or want or desire. We are responsible for our own direction in life, our own destiny. We are free to experience all the possibilities of the loving-side and dark-side of being human.
- The Law of Magnetic Attraction (Cause and Effect) says: You receive what you radiate. For every action, there is a reaction; every effect has a cause. When you put into motion a thought, word or action, with the passion of your intent, it will return to you with equal force. Thought energy and focused attention bring results. This is the reason to watch your thoughts and behavior carefully, and to carefully consider what you ask for because the law of cause and effect comes into play.
There is no absolute goal or purpose to life, per se, other than to gain knowledge and wisdom in the experiences one chooses to incarnate with. There is no god telling us what we have to do.
- We incarnated with a life plan consisting of specific, customized learning lessons for an entire lifetime. Our life plan was approved and blessed by Spirit prior to our birth on earth.
- Our chosen experiences and learning lessons are a journey from fear to love, from illusion to clarity, from darkness to light.
- We take our thoughts and feelings with us when we return home to Spirit. This is the reason why it’s important to heal or release old emotional and resistive thought patterns while on earth if we desire to expand and evolve our consciousness.
- Sin and sinner do not exist in the Kingdom of Unconditional Divine Love.
- Eternal hell does not exist because judgment does not exist in Unconditional Divine Love. It does not condemn its own to eternal damnation.
- Salvation is meaningless. There is nothing to be saved. We already belong to God. Separation from Divine Love is the grand illusion. The path of Love leading to Oneness transforms one’s consciousness and heals the grand illusion of separateness.
- Dogma or belief is not necessary to find and know oneself as Unconditional Divine Love.
- The devil is not a demon that tempts us into sin. It is our dark side, our selfish nature; we have the power to stay enslaved in illusion and separation or transform and heal it into Divine Love.
- The Power of our Beliefs creates our reality. You are the creator of your life.
- Jesus said: “Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. 7:7)
- Pre-existence and Reincarnation is a fact of Unconditional Divine Love. The early Christian Church accepted reincarnation and laid great emphasis on the law of rebirth. It was expounded by the Gnostics and by numerous church fathers. In 553 A.D., the teaching of reincarnation was declared a heresy by the Second Council of Constantinople. As a result, all references to reincarnation in the Bible were removed. Ever since, the teachings of reincarnation have been outlawed in the West, but not in the East. Click here to read the article: The Ban of Reincarnation in the Bible.
- There are only two choices in life: Love or fear. Either we are building a life based on Divine Love, or a life built on fear.
- Spirit did not create fear, only Love. There is no god saying we have to live in fear or love. It is our choice.
- Fear is considered an illusion because it is not a part of the real world of Divine Love.
- We have the ability to create outside of Divine Love. Anything created outside of Love is fear-based, and must be healed and brought back into alignment again with Divine Love.
- Fear and illusion are learning lessons, as is the path of Divine Love.
- What has been done in fear, can be undone and healed in Divine Love. The many forms of fear and illusion are only mistakes to be corrected rather than evils to be punished.
- Deepening one’s spirituality as well as finding and knowing God is a process of uncovering what’s already there within the soul of the human individual. It is as Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke: 17:21)
- Meditation is the primary tool for expansion of consciousness. It strengthens the mind and is a form of deep prayer. Anybody can use meditation. It is non-sectarian and non-denominational. Two types of meditation are featured on this website: Click here to learn how I learned to meditate and Click here to learn how to meditate with the Heart Source Breathing Technique by Amma the Divine Mother, channeled by Cathy Chapman.
- Meditation revitalizes our life-force energy centers, which in turn, energizes our intelligence, emotions, and body. It is “at easement of mind” which allows insights to surface in the conscious mind. When combined with the path of love, it leads us directly into the center of our true identity, and brings proof of the existence of God or Divine Love within our being.
- You don't have to believe in the value of meditation for it to work. You don't have to believe in the existence of the Creator to receive the benefits of meditation. It's a prove it to yourself-as-you-go science; a hands on learning experience. You can use it in any religion or with no religion. It enhances faith, self awareness, and self confidence.
- To pierce deeply within the depths of being, and know yourself as radiant Light and boundless Love, I believe you will want to choose a meditation technique that stills the mind of restless thoughts. When the mind is still of restless thoughts, our meditation naturally produces an ever deepening, abiding peace and joy. Peace and joy lead to Oneness.
- Our restless thoughts are a direct cause of our inability to experience Oneness on a daily basis, or at will.
- In Oneness, the mind becomes “still” or “motionless.” When the mind rests in stillness, it returns to its natural state of being (Divine Love). At the exact moment the mind stops thinking, and rests in stillness, Oneness emerges within the individual.
Related Article: Breaking Free From False Religious Teachings by Sananda (Jesus) (Click Here!)
