Researched and Written by Rev. Dennis Shipman
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The following ebooks are available free-of-charge at – Click on the ebook images or book title to access a free download of the ebook. It’s a very straightforward process. No registration or sign-up or email required. There are several types of downloads you can choose: e.g., epub, Kindle, pdf. offers over 72,000 ebooks written by independent writers in many categories that are free-of-charge. On this page is an offering of several that relate to this niche of self-improvement and spiritual growth. Enjoy!
College can be a fun, yet stressful. So many different things are going on in a student’s life. How does one manage it all? The author has interviewed 10 university honor-roll students to give their insights on 10 characteristics college students can master to be successful in college. Each principle will not completely eliminate stress, but it will minimize it. Each will also ensure a student’s success not only in school, but in one's chosen career or job and throughout life as well.
This book provides the advice that has helped the author and other students to achieve a great college experience. It discusses critical topics such as time management, forming relationships, talking with your professors, money management, taking care of your body and mind, trying new things, meeting new people, seizing opportunities, making good choices, and more.
From multiple appearances on the dean’s list to becoming members of well-established school organizations and honor societies, each honor student that was interviewed gives great advice for incoming freshman, and for those who want to improve while they are in school. The author, Malcolm Smith, himself an honor student, graduated from Norfolk State University in San Antonio, Texas, in Business Finance in 2016. He is the founder of Cratus Image Consulting. Mantra for his life is: Live Well. Be Mindful. Keep Working.
Your twenties and early thirties are significant years. During this period, you will make major decisions. These choices will affect your productivity, your finances, your health, your relationships, and your long-term happiness. Design Your Happiness will help you to increase your confidence and optimism, understand your part in relationships and expand your social network. It will show you how to add more joy to your everyday life and how to prevent setbacks on your journey toward long-term happiness. Happiness is the overall satisfaction related to living a meaningful life.
In this book, exercises will help you plan your life by thinking about nine key components: your gifts, values, beliefs, contentment, network, boundaries, customized environments, 3-R kit, and your perspective. You'll focus on the important steps of identifying your strengths, beliefs, and desires. This awareness is essential for creating a fulfilling life.
For over 25-years, ebook author Irene Caniano enjoyed a fulfilling career in education as a classroom teacher and later as an instructor of technology, physical education, and science. She held positions as PTA (Parent Teacher Association) liaison, UFT (United Federation of Teachers) chapter leader, and member of the school leadership team. Irene left teaching in 2009 to train to become a success skills coach. Her clients are Millennials, who bring their unique perspective to life and work. Irene shares with them empowering principles and effective strategies so they can improve productivity, increase life satisfaction and reach their potential. She provides individual and group coaching and conducts workshops on life skills and happiness. Her passion is assisting young adults in acknowledging their strengths, leaving their comfort zones, and becoming their best selves.
Making more money is something that many people desire, but few people achieve. The reason for this is because they lack the skills required. The skills that the author is talking about isn’t in how to perform a certain activity. Rather, it is personal skills such as time management, energy management, and the power to constantly motivate yourself. If you lack these skills, you must look to develop them. This book will help you do that.
The book discusses trendy issues such as popular methods for father’s to make money online, weird ways to make more money, selling your time, having a business mindset, and more!
The author, Nicholas Thomas, has helped many single fathers cope with divorce in the past few years. By helping them gain more confidence and stability in their lives, he is able to guide them towards being a man that attracts other women easily. He was divorced in 2008 and knows how difficult a divorce can be for a man. It was a terrible time for him when he got his divorce. He envisioned his children blaming him and not being able to spend time with him. It gave him a constant guilt trip. Being a divorced man can be very difficult. Ever since his emotional recovery from the divorce, he has helped many single fathers by advising and helping them gain confidence.
This book discusses the top 20 mistakes that stop a person from manifesting their dreams, and gives practical advice what to do about them. The author, Jan Moore, is known as The Success Alchemist. She is an Intuitive Success Coach and Trainer who combines personal empowerment and spiritual development with practical business and marketing strategies to create unstoppable success in life and business.
As a certified life and executive coach, she helps heart-centered change makers, entrepreneurs and executives reach their highest potential by clearing the limiting beliefs that sabotage their success, building their unshakable self-confidence, teaching the universal laws of manifestation, and applying powerful business building strategies to create the big vision for their life.
Jan has also achieved success as an entrepreneur, an author of several books, a radio show host/producer, and festival producer. In 2009 she moved from the UK to the USA. After nearly 40 years’ experience in international corporations and small businesses, and having overcome many deeply challenging personal experiences, Jan provides a powerful mix of creative solutions and intuitive guidance, sprinkled with spiritual and metaphysical principles, to transform her clients and take them to a level of success they've been dreaming of, but perhaps didn't truly believe was possible.
What is your passion? People who know what their passion is and actively engage in pursuing that passion lead more fulfilling lives. Authentic passion provides a motivating, driving force that propels a person forward. Authentic passion makes it nearly impossible to fail. Authentic passion will carry you through the darkest hours and the most trying times. While everyone that strives to succeed, everyone that has the courage to leave their comfort zone, most likely along the way you will face difficulties and hardships. Those who are driven by authentic passion will persevere and will not allow the unavoidable obstacles to become insurmountable barriers.
In his book, author Dennis Houchin shows you how to recognize authentic passion, how to cultivate it, and how to harness that passion in your own life to propel you through a successful, fulfilling life. Based on your deepest core values. Dennis has been successfully pursuing his lifelong passion for almost 40-years. Throughout that time, he has been helping businesses and individuals achieve their goals and fulfill their visions on both professional and personal levels. After a 15-year career as a computer programmer, and business process management consultant, he became an entrepreneur and has operated his computer consulting company for over 23 years. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee where he continues to give audiences the simple changes in perspective that they need in order to make profound positive changes in their lives.
This book offers insights the author has learned about failure, how to handle failure, and how to keep pushing forward to success. It will help you to better understand the major factors why people don’t learn from failures. You will also learn how to hack failure by following what the author calls the ACE framework. Even successful people fail. Failure can shake you to the core. How we overcome a failure is what makes the difference. Conversely, most of us have had some level of success or positive affirmation. Knowing what each means, success and failure not only determines your direction in life, but it can be the driving force to achieve happiness.
This 20-page ebook is an easy read. It offers excellent anecdotes, and discusses the value of failure, reasons why people fail, and factors to consider what you should do when you fail? The story of Tim who loves frogs is a highlight of the book, and is a perfect example how the author analyses failure and offers insights to turn Tim’s failure into a success.
The author, Shane Lester, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Professional Writing and a Masters of Science degree in Instructional Technology with an emphasis in learning psychology from Utah State University. With dual corporate careers in training design and software product design, Shane has published four books and is now on a mission to help people analyze their failures and create learning strategies to help them achieve their goals.
The author, Magnus Steel, presents 15 ways of thinking or “mindset tweaks” that will unleash your full potential today, and allow you to be a success by making the most of your talent. Perception is everything. To a large extent, what you perceive is what you get. Psychologists have determined that what you perceive is what you believe, so your thoughts determine what you actually see. Often, these beliefs are subconscious, gained during childhood and early life, and these beliefs can hold you back, meaning there’s less chance of you reaching your full potential. However, these beliefs can be altered, and you can change your perception, allowing you to be unencumbered by these often-negative ways of looking at things.
The key to the success is to know what you want and how to attain it. Success also does not come through hard to master skills or esoteric knowledge, but through getting the basics right and following through again and again. You must be clear and definite about what you want. This shows us that the most important thing about our quest for success are our emotions and our mindset. It is these things that cause us to be successful, or prevent us from realizing what we can be. This is absolutely key. Success is not just about what you do. It is about what you think. This is why these key mindset shifts can be so powerful and effective.
There are a lot of books you might have picked up about how to be more confident. Some of those books will suggest you “fake it until you make it” or play head games with yourself so you can pretend you are more confident than you really feel. Some will suggest you simply act more confident so others perceive you differently. But that still leaves you feeling even more isolated and less confident. This isn’t one of those books.
If you want to actually be more confident, not just look like you are, this book will give you 7 solid strategies that you can put into effect right now, that will help you take charge of your confidence in a way that puts you in control. If you take this seriously, your confidence can only improve. If you embrace these strategies daily, your confidence is unlimited.
The author, Dr. Ann Vertel, Ph.D., is a leadership and success expert, motivational psychologist, and 20-year Naval Officer. She writes, blogs, speaks, and podcasts about issues that help you achieve extraordinary success in your life, your career, and everything in between. She also speaks, trains, and consults with businesses, associations, institutes, and nonprofits to help them develop strong, confident, “take charge” leaders. When she’s not working, Ann can usually be found walking a beach somewhere with a hot cup of hazelnut coffee or an ice-cold beer, traveling with her family, working out, or reading “just one more” psychology book.
In this book, the author claims the law of attraction works. There is no question about that. It is a universal principle. When applied properly it has an obligation to work its magic. It has no choice. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you are male or female, a good person or a bad person. The law of attraction is as real and as definite as the law of gravity. If you apply the law of attraction, you will attract what you desire most. It’s that simple.
The author, Darren Burton, doesn’t proclaim to be an expert at applying this fabulous law. He’s human, he says, does the best he can every day, and sometimes he falters. But, he’s seen this law work positively in his own life on many occasions.
This book is a logical and practical guide of learning how to effectively apply this wonderful law so you can attract true and infinite abundance and wealth into your life. In reality, the law of attraction really isn’t very complex and doesn’t take volumes of books to explain and learn how to apply it. This book is not a spiritual kind of manifestation text, although it touches on the spiritual from time to time. This book is about attracting more wealth into your life, and what you learn within these pages can just as easily be applied to attracting anything you want – whether it be a loving partner, peace of mind, happiness, better friendships, or you name it!
This book offers inspirational writing and positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious, and help you to manifest the life you dream of. Each chapter provides 10-20 affirmations covering specific areas, along with tips and advice on how to effectively make these affirmations work for you.
Affirmations are so simple, yet many never experience their power. Our subconscious minds account for the majority of our behavior, affect our perceptions and determine our actions. These affirmations will transform your subconscious so that you naturally begin to think and act in ways that manifest enormous success and wealth.
The author, Rachael Thompson, is the founder of Mind Body & Spirit Entrepreneur, LLC. In her own words, she spent far too many years following the path she thought she was supposed to take. She dealt with overwhelming anxiety, fearing that she would never find something that truly made her happy. Through trial and error, introspection, and overcoming a lot of mental barriers, she discovered her path. She now wants to take what she’s learned to help others live a happy and successful life.
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