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"Crystals are physical manifestations and expressions of the inner planes Crystalline Kingdom."

Road to Oneness

Everything in the Hollow Earth Is Constructed of Crystals

Source: Mikos from Hollow Earth channeled by Dianne Robbins

UPDATE: May 12, 2018: I am Mikos, here to talk about our connection to the Universe, and your connection to all life everywhere. We love our Earth, and as we live inside her, we are privy to all information that ever was — and to all events currently taking place on the surface as well as on other solar systems in our Galaxy. We capture, or record, these events in our Crystal Projectors, and file them away for safe keeping in our extensive library.

All our records are ancient, by your standards, as your lifetimes are so short compared to ours. But these “ancient” events existed in our lifetime, since we are eons of years old in the same body, and therefore occurred during our lifetime.

The evolution of Crystals is ancient also, as they have always existed and are the witness to all events on Earth. They, themselves, have recorded all the events on Earth and stored them within their crystalline network of “nerves” that can hold voluminous amounts of information.

These Crystals are very evolved Beings, whose mission it is to record all that transpires on Earth, so that all that has transpired can be played back on our Crystal Projectors and learned from. For all life is a learning experience, and without the knowledge and wisdom of the past, how do you expect to learn and advance your evolution? Your books are all filled with misinformation, compiled by mankind’s opinions and beliefs and theories, that has little resemblance to actual conditions or facts. So all you learn doesn’t give you a clue as to the real nature of Earth, the Universe, or “you.”

Whenever we want to learn something and apply it to our lives, we go into the Crystal Recording Room and play back the sequence of events that will lead us to the information and wisdom we need to resolve any problem or increase our understanding of events and our lives.

For although you can’t see out, or hear the Earth calling to you, or feel the love of the trees as you scurry by them in your frantic pace of life, know that all life, everywhere, is aware of your plight and has come to your rescue to wake you up out of your deep Slumber of the Ages so that you can regain your conscious remembrance of who you are, why you are here on Earth, and the important part you play in bringing Earth out of her density and into a higher realm of Light where you will experience real “freedom”, firsthand.

Your Crystals can help you make this jump in consciousness, in a miniscule amount of time. Just hold them close to you, and they imprint their wisdom into your heart in “no time” at all, and raise your vibration to a place where you can readily access all the knowledge and wisdom that has been gathered throughout all time. Your Crystals, no matter what size they are, can move you all into a higher state of awareness.

We, in the Hollow Earth, are surrounded by our Crystals in every “walk of life” and every place we go. Our homes, transportation, work places, cultural complexes, everything is constructed of Crystals and surrounded by Crystals. Our buildings literally glow with Crystal Light, and our body’s glow increases as we advance in our evolution. For love and wisdom and awareness IS Light — and the more Light you contain within your beings, the greater the sheen of your glow.

So surround yourselves, your homes, your computers, and your work places with Crystals. Hold them and talk to them, and you will feel their consciousness being transferred to yours, and adding their Light and wisdom to yours, so that you can better access and understand the world around you, and glow like a beacon to your family and friends, who will feel the comfort of being near you — the comfort that you will radiate out to all in the radius of your energy field.

The Importance of Crystals for Ascension

Master El Morya channeled by Natalie Glasson, April 13, 2018

BlissfulVisions.com Master El Morya: It is the divine will and power of the Creator that I channel through my being to you from the source of All That Is. I am a guardian of these sacred Creator qualities and wish to develop your own experience of the divine will and power of the Creator. This is not something to fear. In fact, it is the very truth of your nature and essence. I, Master El Morya, wish to return you to your truth and divine innocence so you may experience fulfillment on all levels of your being.

The divine will and power of the Creator pulsates through all beings on the Earth and the inner planes, especially through the Crystalline Kingdom. Crystals upon the Earth are physical manifestations and expressions of the inner planes Crystalline Kingdom. In the same way you are a divine spirit incarnate within a physical body, crystals are vehicles of expression for the Crystalline Kingdom. The consciousness and purpose of the Crystalline Kingdom is to deliver the divine will and power of the Creator, this manifests with qualities of magnification, cleansing, purification, activations, healing, clear vision and focus, alignment to the Creator and generally supporting all aspects of ascension upon the Earth.

The Crystalline Consciousness awakens the divine will within your being. Therefore, It opens your being to receive the divine guidance of the Creator. Encouraging you to receive the full support of the Creator in all areas of your life and experience the divine flow, where everything unfolds with beauty. The Crystalline Kingdom harnesses the power of the Creator, and gifts it to anyone who connects into their essence. They hold the purity and bliss of the Creator, the innocence that is at the core of the Creator and remind those they connect with that the same exists within their being.

In many ways the Crystalline Kingdom are akin to the Angelic Kingdom or Unicorn Kingdom. They are expressions of the Creator and beings of service. They are not really present to learn and grow although all aspects of the Creator are focused upon expansion, their purpose is to serve others in remembrance of the Creator. They also hold space for any soul wishing to remember and reconnect with the Creator to do so in a safe and sacred environment.

Physical Manifestation

Physical crystals upon the Earth manifest in diverse unique ways and forms. The expansive and powerful consciousness of the Crystalline Kingdom is filtered into the physical crystals, each crystal expressing a different quality and consciousness of the Creator. This means that you can access certain aspects of the Crystalline Kingdom and Consciousness through certain crystals. This is similar for humanity who each express the different aspects of the Creator through their physical beings. Each crystal plays a specific role upon the Earth while also being a part of the whole consciousness that is the Crystalline Kingdom.

When you connect with, hold, or are in the space of a crystal, you have the possibility of absorbing the qualities the crystal is expressing in order to activate the same within your own being. With a clear and pure focus, you have the opportunity to access the Crystalline Consciousness, downloading their wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment into your being to inspire your spiritual evolution upon the Earth.

There is a further possibility of connecting directly into the core of the Crystalline Kingdom to experience the pure energies, wisdom and light the Crystalline Kingdom receive directly from the Creator. With a special request you may also access the healing abilities and energies of the Crystalline Consciousness downloading and receiving these sacred energies into your being. There are many levels of communication that can be achieved with the crystals. With a request or intention, you may invite the crystals to magnify positive loving qualities within your being, energize your creations and manifestations, heal and cleanse your being of negativity, reprogram your being at a cellular level, act as an anchor for the Creator’s light and love, ground your being, relieve physical symptoms and so much more. Crystals are expressions of the Creator which can be used as tools to aid your ascension in whichever way you choose.

Crystals and the Earth

The physical body of a crystal is born from the Earth, it is a creation of the divine consciousness of the Crystalline Kingdom and Mother Earth. The Crystalline Kingdom in manifestation upon the Earth has a contract and purpose with Mother Earth. Not only do they hold the role in assisting humanity in their spiritual evolution, they also hold the role of stabilizing the energies of the Earth.

The crystals maintain the energy vibration of Mother Earth so that harmony can be experience as Mother Earth and all move through ascension shifts and constant evolution. Even when crystals are removed from their place in the Earth they still act as stabilizers for the Earth’s energy.

As souls are evolving at different speeds, creating and manifesting different intentions and still investing in illusion this can cause a lack of equilibrium and even a sense of chaos. The crystals work to maintain a balance and bring into the awareness of those awakening, areas that require healing. In truth the crystals create equilibrium until humanity can create equilibrium, harmony and balance for themselves upon the Earth.

When in meditation while connecting with a crystal, you have the opportunity to request to access, experience and embody the highest energy of equilibrium created by the Crystalline Consciousness for the Earth. In doing so you will experience and embody the possibility of awakening the same energy of equilibrium and balance within your being. This will create an activation within your being of the energy of balance that is required to emanate from each soul upon the Earth to create and maintain balance for all upon the Earth. You may even receive guidance or inspiration of how to nurture your inner balance and the equilibrium of the Earth’s energy as all souls move through ascension.

During this process you may wish to invite the crystal to demonstrate to you how humanity can work together to create harmony within and in the reality of the Earth and what this would look like.

There are some crystals focused upon cleansing and purifying the Earth’s energies to release the presence of illusion and strengthen the presence of truth. These crystals can be called forth in energetic form to wash away illusions that you may be holding onto and empowering the truth already activated and present within your being.

Guardians of Earth’s Ancient Knowledge

While all crystals have the ability to retain knowledge and wisdom across many civilizations, it is only some crystals that hold the role of protecting and securing the ancient sacred knowledge of the Earth. These crystals safeguard wisdom such as how the Earth was created, the mission and purpose of the Earth, the role of the Earth in the Universe of the Creator, the purpose of all beings upon the Earth, the laws of creation of the Earth and the ascension process of the Earth.

The answer to any questions that you could create regarding the Earth, Mother Earth and all in existence upon the Earth can be discovered within these crystals. The crystals are retaining this knowledge to ensure the integrity and truth of the Earth as she evolves, while also waiting to reactivate the same wisdom within all upon the Earth with divine timing.

The crystals and Mother Earth do invite you in meditation or quiet time to call forth the most appropriate Guardian of the Earth’s Knowledge Crystal to connect with your being, and allow you to receive and experience the energy and wisdom the crystal holds. You may wish to make a request that the crystal imparts and activates within your being the same wisdom it holds. The most appropriate crystal will come forth to you in energetic form and will deliver the wisdom that will support your spiritual evolution and expanding perceptions of truth.

You have a divine right to activate this ancient knowledge within your being. The crystals are simply safeguarding the energy until humanity is ready to understand and accept the truth.

In the divine will, power and love of the Creator, Master El Morya

Natalie Glasson, Channel, Lightworker @ BlissfulVisions.com Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Website: Sacred School of OmNa


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