"Use the positive energy of APDM to achieve your heart-felt goals, intentions and dreams."


All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM) An Incredibly Rare Event - Jan. 6, 2019 to March 5, and March 29 to April 11, 2019
Written by Rev. Dennis Shipman - December 29, 2018
What is the positive astrological significance of “ALL PLANETS IN DIRECT MOTION?”
Referred to as APDM — "All Planets in Direct Motion" — is when all the planets in our solar system are in a natural forward movement (direct). There is no retrograde movement; nothing to impede the flow of its forward progress. It means all the planets are moving forward in balance and harmony, and this is an incredibly rare event. All Planets in Direct Motion represents a cycle of hope and empowerment for humanity. It means we as humans can use the positive energy and forward momentum of the planets to move forward in our lives with ease and grace.
There are only two periods when APDM will happen in 2019. The first period (January 6 to March 5) will last for 60 days! An extraordinarily long period. The second period (March 29 to April 11) will last for 2 weeks.
A total of 74 days out of the first 100 days of 2019 – nearly three-quarters of the time! This is an incredibly huge energy blast to kick-off 2019.
March 6th to March 28, 2019: Mercury Retrograde. This is the only retrograde during this APDM period. During this time period, conversationalist Mercury enters spacious Pisces. Retrogrades can be difficult to navigate, if that is your belief system. Astrological sources say during a retrograde period, communications of all types go off balance and can become haywire. Sources say to expect a whole lot of slip-ups, for example, mis-understandings between co-workers, family and friends; turning up late for meetings; feeling depleted and finding it difficult to focus on the job are some usual symptoms. Remind everyone that "Mercury is Retrograde! Take a deep breath. Bless yourself and others. Laugh a lot and have fun. And, relax until it passes." LOL. *+*
How To Use APDM Energy For Personal Growth and Achievement
During this powerful and progressive time, APDM will usher in incredible energy of fortune and opportunity. It's a time to go forward, to start anew, a time to act towards the achievement of your goals and intentions. Here are some ideas to kick-start yourself using this energy wave:
- Start that heart-felt project you've had on the back burner or that you’ve always wanted to do – sing, dance, art, motivational speaking, take that dream vacation, play a musical instrument, start a new career, whatever your heart desires.
- Write down your intentions or what you want to ahcieve for the week, the month, the new year, your lifetime – and make a plan to accomplish it.
- Practice honesty and integrity. The transformational energies of the Great Shift in Consciousness support transparency and practicing unconditional love in our everyday actions.
- Any achievement or result where you desire a positive outcome, such as: Launch a new busniness, realize a successful merger or marriage or large acquisition, plan a celebration or inauguration, reorganize business operations, planning and achieving a succssful charity event. Whatever your imagination can conceive.
- Note: A positive outcome does not include domination, control, manipulation, lording over or killing human beings. This will get you in trouble with the Lords of Karma (Cause and Effect, Law of Attraction). No kidding!
The next APDM in 2020 will happen January 10 to February 16 (37 days) and March 9 to April 25 (47 days) for a total 84 days.
