The End of the Third Dimension, Takedown of Dark Cabal
News from Various Channeled Sources - April 20-22, 2018
Takedown of the Dark Cabal
With the help of lightworkers worldwide, the dark forces are being rooted out of hiding and taking off the planet where they can do no more harm. This ongoing process is huge. It will fully rid the planet of these beings that have well overstayed their welcome. Every day progress is being made. These operations are happening with expedited regularity. The response teams are well trained and are working diligently. They have your best interests at heart. It is untenable for the dark ones to be allowed on the planet much longer. They have done horrific things that will no longer be tolerated. As this dark debris is cleared out, the planet will begin to feel more relaxed and peaceful. You will notice the atmosphere has changed, and the feeling of happiness. The fearful and anxious feelings that many have today will evaporate. This is making way for the Day of Revelation (the Event). Click here to read Sananda’s report on The Great Event Is Coming! Source: Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, April 8th, 2018.
Dark Cabal’s Bad Hair Day.
To say that the demise of the Dark Cabal is inconvenient for them, those who have run your planet for millennia, is putting it quite mildly. They are not only angry, panicked, and engaged in forms of in-fighting among themselves that well outrun any other such behavior they have ever displayed before now, in the thousands of years they have worked together to control the human population and planet Earth. They are also feeling an increasing weakness they could not have felt possible. This is due to the photonic Light-forms/energy reaching your planet now, under which all that does not resonate with higher Love shall eventually dissolve, or return to a darker aspect of this Universe, where the frequencies are low enough to allow their existence. You have come for the incredibly high purpose, nearly overwhelming in its beauty, joy, and power, of anchoring exactly those frequencies required to usher in a consciousness which not only no longer permits war, discrimination, exploitation, or oppression of any kind, but does not even consider those situations to be possible Earth realities. Source: The Collective channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan – April 20, 2018.
Mind Control and Manipulation.
Humanity has been subjected to mind control and other forms of manipulation for thousands of years, yet the effects of such are paling now in comparison to your growing sense of inner freedom, and inner requirement for human sovereignty—to be your own boss on every level possible—along with the realization that that is within your grasp. Source: The Collective channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan – April 20, 2018.
Send Love to the Dark Cabal.
We do not suggest that you spend a great deal of time thinking about these lost souls, whom we send Divine Love and Divine Light to at every moment, so that they may eventually find their way Home (and we encourage you to do the same). Nor do we suggest that you give way to feelings of shock, panic, or uneasiness as you wonder what your or others’ outcomes shall be, given the current disruptions and inevitable crumbling of the old Earth systems, through which you were enslaved for many lifetimes. Source: The Collective channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan – April 20, 2018.
Chaos and Confusion.
Viewed from the higher realms, the confusion and chaos in our world today won’t last forever. It is more like the event of an earthquake or volcanic eruption - a moment in Earth’s current timeline, rather than an ongoing state of being. The growing feeling of chaos - of personal and cultural “unraveling” being experienced by so many billions across the planet at this time are due to many factors. One of the reasons for the extreme disruptions is a growing inner awareness that we are not alone; that Earth’s humanity is only one culture amid many millions, even billions, of cultures in this Universe. Earth’s energies have reached what might be called a critical mass moment, in which that which was successfully hidden for so long is increasingly no longer hidden: the presence of those you call “galactics” (though you are one of them, as you also live in a galaxy). Earth’s humanity are Galactic Humans. There is also a growing belief among millions of people now, that each person creates their own destiny, their own life experience, and their understanding of that life experience. Like you, the Earth has learned to set boundaries and not to tolerate disrespect or abuse. She is awakening to her new higher consciousness self. Pay attention to what she is doing and showing you. She is powerful beyond measure and so are you. Believe in yourselves and stand up for what is right. Know that you will get through the finals stages of removal of the darkness so you can live in the fifth dimension and progress with your evolution. Isn’t it wonderful that you can join Earth in this journey? You are both honored to be in this growth and learning cycle together. (Click here to read, “You Create Your Reality”). Source: The Collective channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan – April 20, 2018.
The End of the Third-Dimension.
Dear ones, the time for 3D game playing is quickly drawing to a close. Soon you who are aware of Divine Truth will no longer be permitted to live happily with one foot in the old energy and one foot in the new, making truth into pleasant dinner conversation that is too inconvenient to actually live. You have reached the place in your personal evolutionary journey where you must decide which world you choose to live in. No more questioning, pretending, rites and rituals, or allowing the false beliefs of the third dimension to govern your life in an effort to attain what is already fully present within you. Present times are powerful and often not gentle even for the enlightened, but you are ready to move with and into whatever comes. It was never meant for mankind to stay forever locked in ignorance. It is graduation time for those who choose. What will you choose? Source: The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, April 22, 2018.
Now, these new paths of the New 5D Earth consciousness will not be as familiar to you as the old 3D paths of working hard, feeling lost some days, wondering if you will ever “get ahead” or smooth out one issue or another, or feeling that your own power to change and uplift your life is limited at best. The paradigms of the Third-Dimension are very old programs, and they have run their course. The 5D transformational energies are flooding the planet, and as you learn to work with them, you will begin to see your finances will improve, and you will learn to fully manifest what you need. Your faith will flower and your loving hearts will expand. You will be ready to learn to live in love and unity the way the planet was originally designed to be. No more intruders. The earth will be returned to the sacred planet that she was in the beginning. Source: The Collective channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan – April 20, 2018.
The three dimensional world continues to seek your loyalty, interest, and purchases, through promotional efforts that inform you of the latest trends guaranteed to solve everything troubling you. As the evolved states of consciousness you now are, you must accept the fact that it is time to come out and be separate, reclaim your innate power, and refuse to accept at face value everything the so-called experts, government, and religions tell you is true.
It is a new time, a time in which your inner SELF can become your best news source, technology, and font of information. Having free will, every individual is permitted to live as they choose for as long as they choose, but you reading these messages are spiritually mature enough to accept that it is one’s state of consciousness that determines their outer experiences. In reality there are no victims, only those suffering the effects of believing themselves separate from the Source of Love, from other people, and their own good.
You are creators, and must ask yourselves what are you choosing to create - for yourself and for the world. It is serious and often difficult work to be awake in a 3D world at this time, but know that you knew this before incarnating and chose to be here.
Being awake does not mean that you cannot enjoy the ride while on Earth, for the energy of joy is the closest to Divine energy. What we do say is that if you find yourself still dependent on three-dimensional rules and information, entertainments, news, literature, music, etc. for your sense of completeness, it is time to examine why you chose to be here at this time, and if you really believe and want to live what you have come to know as truth. Source: The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, April 22, 2018.
Technology is a Tool to Serve You, Not Visa-Versa.
Individuals are only able to hear guide suggestions and intuition when they are quiet enough to hear the still, silent voice within. Technological distractions are serving to block inner communication for many. It is not only important, but imperative that anyone seeking guidance from within, learn to detach themselves from 24/7 technology. Anyone choosing to evolve and live spiritually, will have a very difficult time if they are plugged into and checking phones and computers every five minutes.
Perhaps you say you need it for work which may be true for those who believe that success is entirely dependent upon personal effort because according to the 3D belief system, it is a “dog eat dog” world. However, you who read these messages are beyond this level and have become aware of the bigger picture. For you, a continuing reliance on three dimensional concepts will no longer serve you because you are no longer in alignment with that energy.
Children must be taught that technology is a tool for learning and for fun, but must never become a distraction from living real life. Many children as well as adults, are losing their ability to play, love, evolve, and interact with others on a mature personal level because their obsession with technology leaves no room for real life experiences and allows them to live “fake” lives.
You have evolved beyond living in slavery to material distractions in order to feel fulfilled. This is not to say you cannot enjoy quality television, films, books, games, or take advantage of the latest technology, but it must be remembered that the moment any of these things become “needs” and a necessity in order for you to feel complete and happy, you are in the old 3D belief of separation.
Let go of the temptation to stay constantly plugged in to news and information that quickly becomes obsolete. Technology is an important and powerful tool especially as it serves to awaken those of the status quo with video exposing situations the world over that heretofore were being ignored or covered up. However never lose sight of the fact that Technology is a tool to serve you, not for you to serve it. Source: The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, April 22, 2018.
Meditate and Listen. Ask for Guidance.
We suggest that you ask your Spirit team of guides, Angelic guardians and higher self for clear instruction on how to navigate these new 5D energies in ways that you feel you are gaining ground in life, not losing it. We encourage you to sit with your Spirit team at least once a day, and ask for their wisdom and their guidance in whatever way will be clearest to you. You might say to them, for example, “My friends, everything is shifting so quickly. Show me the wisest way to handle my finances and income now. I command forth greater Abundance now! I command forth a life without struggle or debt—that is the old paradigm, and it is over. How do I move forward? I require and command forth your wisdom on this, Now!” You may need to ask this more than once, as the energies around the majority of you are muddled at present, for different reasons, so that it may feel that your team aren’t hearing you, aren’t replying, or just don’t care, and none of that is true. They hear you constantly, as all of us in the higher realms do.
You Are Not Alone.
We are by your side when a family member shuts you out, when the friend laughs or rolls their eyes at you for believe in NESARA’s enactment, when the spouse or the boss or the coworker treats you disrespectfully. We are with you when you sit quietly at the end of the day, having heard the evening news as well as mulled over your situations, wondering how much longer all of this can go on.
You are an Emissary of Light.
We can assure you, dear ones—there are emissaries from the higher realms powerfully active in your world right now, whose very presence is turning darkness to Light, shadow to brilliance—and you are among those emissaries. So that the next time you feel done in, exhausted from the Ascension process, fed up with having to wade through the last vestiges of the old Earth—see any one of us or your higher self lay a hand of encouragement on your shoulder, if nothing else, to remind you that as with everything in your world, This Too Shall Pass. And let your most joyful, most empowered self speak up, to say, “Not taking any complaints right now! No time! Anchoring higher energies here! Out of my way!” And more than just a nice-sounding phrase, that is so. You have made it so! Source: The Collective channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan – April 20, 2018.
How To Make an Easy Ascension.
Welcome to the new 5D Nova Gaia (Earth) Golden Age - the one being created right now through your evolved states of consciousness and increasing ability to see through the chaos and troubles of a world quickly moving beyond the ignorance and un-enlightened awareness that has governed Earth for so long.
You are doing a fine job in spite of appearances. Increasingly intense energies of Light continue to expose actions either previously unknown to the general public, or that were promoted and defined through mis-information intended to make humanity seem ordinary and in the best interests of the majority.
Be not afraid dear ones, even though there is much going on at this time that can easily fool you into fear and a desire to maintain the status quo. Fear and mis-information are the primary tools of (Dark Cabal) those who wish to keep you in ignorance because as the majority awakens and begins to reclaim their innate power, it automatically dissolves false power and the stranglehold it has maintained over others for eons.
Trust your intuition always, and do not automatically accept as truth everything seen and heard through commercial news outlets. Things are happening that you do not hear about. What you are reading and being told is often mis-information or only half of the story intended to keep the general public stirred up for the purpose of perpetuating an old 3D belief system, one that feeds from the energies of struggle, anger, retaliation, hopelessness, and fear.
Learn to live simply, staying in the now moment and being true to the prompting’s of your heart. Allow yourselves to be guided from a place of Love regardless of what may present itself as you go about your day, for Love is the only power and the only reality regardless of any outer appearances.
Guides, angels, masters, and teachers are available to everyone at all times. Some of you may feel that your guide has abandoned you or believe that you do not have a guide because you do not hear specific directions when you ask. Everyone has personal guides throughout their earthly lifetime. Guides change as new levels of awareness evolve, but you are never without a guide.
Because you have free will, guides are not permitted to tell you what to do because this is your journey, not theirs. Their job is to support and guide you through the decisions that you choose to make. They can and do often whisper suggestions, but the bottom line always remains yours.
There are many who believe “grandma, or aunt Agnes” is their guide and for spiritual beginners this is can be somewhat true because the person may best respond to what is familiar. However, a real guide is always “waiting in the wings” to step in as needed or when the individual is more spiritually ready. Source: The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, April 22, 2018.
Do these messages resonate with you?
It is for you to decide as to whether these Messages we relay are a lot of fluffy, nice-sounding phrases, or whether they carry within them the very energies of Love and encouragement that your vibration has been calling out for. We send them only with the highest intentions of Divine Love, that you will be constantly led to release all that which is not yours to carry, and that you will know real joy, and the power and beauty of your true and authentic self. And we ask that you take from this and every Message only that which resonates with you as being True for your path at this time. Source: The Collective channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan – April 20, 2018.
Related Article: The Great Event Is COMING! Click Here.