On his website, Rae features 167 sacred symbols (images) for Ascension in 13 categories: Tree of Life Series, Earth Series, DNA Series, Archangel Series, Ray Series, Etheric Series, Egyptian Series, Healing Series, Vision Series, Dragon Series, Elohim Series, Oneness Series, Codes of Creation.
All the symbols are channeled from Creator and from Rae’s spirit guides, and each symbol has a sub-title that represents what it means. The size of these images range from about 650 pixels square to over 2900 pixels square. As you can see from the samples here, they are extremely beautiful.
Here is one way you can use these symbols for Ascension:
- In meditation, bring the symbol into the mind’s eye (in the forehead between the eye brows).
- See it vibrating and then send this pulsating light into all your chakras (1 through 12) and into your auric field, and then into your Soul Mandala which is underneath our feet.
- When you finish, simply rest the image in your heart center (in the middle of your chest).
- You can activate this energy anytime by simply giving it your intent.
 Mount Fuji, Japan |
 Soul Blueprint |
 Seeing Without Illusion |
 9th Ray |
 Threefold Flame of the Heart |
 11th Ray |
 Peace and Aloha |
 Universal Sound |
 Costa Rica |
New Book "Return of the Goddess" coming in April 2023
* * * Samples of artwork in the book * * *
 Goddess LAI |
 Goddess ENTAMO |
 Goddess ULLI |
 Goddess of the MOON, CLOUDS & RAIN |
 Goddess INNYAPO |
 Goddess LEHMA POO |
 Goddess AHA MALII (7 Goddesses) |
 Goddess ITTAMO |
 Goddess MANI III |
About the Author
Rae Chandran was born in India and has lived in the United States and Japan. His present focus is bringing forth teachings that support Ascension. He is the author of six books. He performs individual channeling sessions for his clients, and his articles continue to be published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence.
Rae teaches workshops throughout the Far East on the Ancient Egyptian mysteries, DNA activation, and channeling. He creates soul symbols for his clients, and he leads tours to ancient holy places worldwide.
Rae is the founder of the Mahakundalini and Galactic Shakitpat modalities to bring forth new awareness in a faster and easier way so that humanity can move more quickly and fully into their Soul awareness. He is also the founder of the Omran Institute, which promotes DNA awareness and certifies practitioners of Omran 12-Strand DNA sessions for his clients. Rae lives with his wife and children outside of Tokyo, Japan. For more information, visit his website at
Note: Sacred Symbols and Goddess images used with permission of the author.