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"Everything is connected, the Earth and the spiritual planes are connected and as one!"

Road to Oneness

Synthesis of the Physical and Spiritual

Saint Germain channeled by Natalie Glasson - Sacred School of OmNa - May 29, 2020

BlissfulVisions.com Saint Germain: Bring your focus into your center, know you are balanced and connected to the truth of the Creator. Take a moment to contemplate and receive my questions.

In what area of your life does your spiritual ascension, awakening and mastery take place?

Do you ascend through your physical reality, experiences, and being in action in the world around you?

Do world events have any correlation to world and humanity ascension?

Does ascension only take place during meditations and inner reflection?

Can you ascend through physical actions?

What is ascension when we speak of the world and all beings inhabiting Mother Earth?

Are the physical planes and the spiritual planes one, existing in harmony as the same?

Are you responsible for world events and is there a way you can be of service?

These eight questions, I, Saint Germain, believe are important to contemplate and ask yourself at this time of tremendous physical challenges and change on the Earth, and intense spiritual transformation within each being.

Why Is It Beneficial to Ask Yourself These Questions?

I, Saint Germain, believe there is a separation and a disconnection, especially in the minds of many, between the physical reality and spiritual ascension. Many are recognizing their spiritual ascension, mastery, awakening to love, and the truth of the Creator as only taking place within their physical beings.

They believe their outer reality, actions, experiences, and world circumstances have nothing to do with their spiritual awakening. Many see the physical reality as a burden they are required to navigate and a distraction from their true passion of evolving their ascension pathway.

The correlation between the physical reality and the spiritual transformations taking place within each being has not yet fully registered as true and meaningful for many. Even world challenges and situations represent a collective spiritual shift taking place and a divine plan unfolding.

Why Do We Need to Synthesis
the Physical and Spiritual Planes?

To create the necessary changes and shifts within the world and your reality there is a need to understand with clarity and an expanded mind what is taking place. When you view your physical reality through the ego or limitations of the personality you may recognize what is happening in the world but not understand the reasons or purpose for the manifestation. When you view the world around you and your reality through your heart, from a loving, compassionate, and balanced space within you, the world around you will begin to reveal its truth.

You will recognize that challenges, situations, and scenarios which manifest in your personal reality and the world are opportunities for you and all to evolve spiritually. That these events are creating major spiritual shifts on the Earth and throughout the Universe of the Creator.

The energy of the Creator constantly needs to be in momentum whether within or around you. This momentum creates opportunities, openings, and manifestations that allow humanity to navigate and experience what is necessary to aid their ascension as a collective and individual.

Everything is connected, the Earth and the spiritual planes are connected and as one. You are connected to the Earth and the inner planes. The separation you experience is essentially triggered within your mind, from programming and beliefs. When you open to the understanding that everything is connected and in unity, your beliefs shift, and you experience the truth of the Earth. A place where you can experience the Creator and co-create with the Creator to manifest anything you wish.

The world does not have to evolve spiritually through physical challenges, fulfillment can be the source of spiritual awakening and understanding. The world shifts and changes around you when you decide what you choose to believe in and create.

Now many people are believing that certain situations in the world are happening to them and there is nothing they can do. It is time to understand that everything has a purpose and aids the ascension of all. Each person has an opportunity to co-create what they wish for themselves and the world. Your thoughts and actions have the power to create awakening, positive transformation, and a greater manifestation of love for yourself and all.

When you choose to see your spiritual and your physical reality as separate and unconnected you are in many ways living an illusion. It is from the sacred space of connection with the Creator within you that you interact with and create the world around you. Therefore, the world as you see it now reflects each person’s ability to create, whether from their ego or their loving soul.

Ascension shifts need to take place physically on the Earth involving the collective as this allows for mass ascension to a new level of awareness and Creator expression as well as deep cleansing to take place.

Seek the messages within you that flow forth from the Creator, seek the messages within your reality and world which direct you deeper into the Creator space within you.

How Do We Synthesis the Physical and Spiritual Planes?

The physical and spiritual planes are always connected and synthesized as one. The physical and spiritual planes support each other and are an extension of each other. Therefore, they are working as one. The synthesis is required to take place within your being and especially your mind. There is a need to open to the truth of the Creator already present within your being and the world around you.

PRAYER: “Saint Germain, please assist me in awakening my being and mind to the presence of the truth of the Creator within and around me. Assist me in releasing, cleansing, and letting go of all beliefs, forms, and creations of separation within my being and reality.

Allow me to be alert and aware of when I am energizing or co-creating separation. Help me to connect with the unity and Creator’s presence of oneness within my being. Saint Germain assist me in recognizing the truth of the Creator within and around me so I may see the world and my spiritual evolution as connected, in unison, and with a purpose.

I am ready to recognize the ascension shifts and transformations taking place within my own being and the world. I am ready to see, sense, acknowledge, and be the truth of the Creator on the Earth. Thank you.”

Allow yourself time to absorb the words and impact of this invocation on your being. A powerful affirmation and confirmation to use in your daily life is: “I choose to accept the truth of the Creator in every moment.”

It is time to make a shift within your being and mind to open yourself fully to the greater presence of the Creator within your being and life. Now is the time for transformation and the revelation of truth. In eternal truth, Saint Germain.

About the Channel

Natalie Glasson, Channel, Lightworker @ BlissfulVisions.com Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Website: Sacred School of OmNa


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