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"This powerful technique will raise the vibration of Mother Earth and all beings!"

Road to Oneness

Shifting The Sadness Within

The Andromedans channeled by Natalie Glasson - Sacred School of OmNa - September 11, 2020

BlissfulVisions.com The Andromedans: Greetings beautiful and beloved beings on the Earth. We are the Andromedans, we come forth as a collective energy showering you in our vibrations, in our love and wisdom.

It is an honor to be in your presence currently, ascension is quickening, unfolding, and developing. It is an exciting time as there are so many shifts, transformations, and changes occurring within your being and outside of you. We, the Andromedans wish to come forth to you today to speak of the sadness within. We feel the Earth is releasing much fear and negativity, some of this is being released through your being.

It is often that which already exists within your being, is attracted to you for you to release, meaning the collective energy of a fear or stagnant energy held within the Earth may be released through you if it is similar to the fear or negativity held within your being. Thus, you are able to master your being while releasing, cleansing and purifying on behalf of humanity and Mother Earth.

We wish to share with you tools that will support you in easily releasing the fear and negativity whether it is for your personal benefit or as a service to Mother Earth. Rather than focus on the negativity or fears held within your being, we, the Andromedans, wish to focus upon the sadness.

We feel that sadness is a reflection of fear and negativity, often sadness is more personal and much easier for you to access. You may find that throughout your day different aspects and energies of sadness rise within your being. These energies of sadness have a way of being present that feels very normal and you become accustomed to its presence, even involved in its drama and vibration.

By focusing upon the sadness within we believe it will be easier for you to connect and release this energy, therefore, bringing your attention to the sadness within your being. It is advisable to examine your day, especially at the end of a day to realize if you felt, sensed, or acknowledged any form of sadness.

You may be able to list different forms of sadness, there may simply be one or maybe you do not notice any sadness. If this is the case, then we invite you to continue this process each night. Sadness can be like a judgment or a complaint, it does not have to be a bereavement, lack of confidence, or a lack of completion of something. It can also be a complaint, a judgment, or a blockage in an area in which you feel stuck, stagnant, unable to move or unable to recognize a new way forth.

Listening to the Sadness

Sadness can manifest in many different ways and can be connected to numerous different experiences. In order to master and release the sadness within there is first a need to recognize the presence of sadness in your daily life, as we said to document this whether it is one form of sadness, many, or maybe you do not notice any form of sadness.

Then we encourage you to choose one form of sadness, to think of it, to contemplate it during meditation and to predominantly sit with the sadness allowing the sadness to speak all of its words, everything that it wishes to express. Within the sadness there maybe anger, frustration, a feeling of lack or being unsupported. Allow yourself to sit with the sadness as if the sadness were someone else and you simply wish to sit and listen to them. Listen to the sadness within, what it says, what it shares, how it makes you feel, notice how it makes your body feel as well. Notice if the sadness creates a momentum moving from different emotions.

As you sit with the sadness gradually it will begin to dissipate. While you may still feel it and its presence within your being, by being present with the sadness you are allowing the truth of the sadness to emerge.

What Is the Sadness Really Trying to Tell You?

What is the truth of the sadness? It may be a lack of power, that healing or self-love is needed. It could be that you need to physically move yourself whether that is exercise or moving along Mother Earth.

Allow yourself to really connect with the core of the sadness and what is needed. What is the message?

  • It could be that you are giving your power away to others, or that you are not allowing yourself to experience the joy you wish to.

  • Maybe you feel lonely or that there is a hurt or wound within your being. Allow yourself to discover the message, what is really taking place, because often the sadness is the drama but there is a message underneath which is very subtle, very truthful and when you connect with it you will notice that this sadness dissipates.

  • Once you have connected with this message beneath the sadness then it is time to ask yourself, what action is needed? What do you need to shift, to alter, to transform or put into action?

  • Only you will know the answer to this. When the answer comes you will feel excited, empowered and it will be for you to then put this into action.

  • To experience it physically on the Earth, in doing so you will shift the inner sadness, release fears and negativity connected to the inner sadness that are personal to you, and also in service for Mother Earth and Humanity.

Joyful Encouraging Words

Our practice is simple and yet we feel it is immensely powerful. We encourage you to acknowledge the sadness within you as a deep healing and a release process. Know this healing and release process spans across the entire dimensions of your being, past lifetimes, and civilizations you have been connected with. It is a very deep and thorough cleansing, healing, and purification, which is needed we believe at this time.

We, the Andromedans, are inviting you to achieve this now, because it is a clearing, purification and supports the releasing of energies within Mother Earth, therefore, raising the vibration of Mother Earth and all beings. It creates the flow and momentum of the Divine Creator’s energy throughout your being dissolving stagnant and stuck energies, and This is important in expanding your energies, expanding your consciousness, expanding your ascension, and moving forth in your mastery.

In a time when so many shifts are taking place, new possibilities and opportunities are ready. Liberating yourself will allow you to grasp these new opportunities and possibilities, manifesting all that is needed and all you desire for your fulfillment upon the Earth.

Please know that you may call upon us the Andromedans to assist you, surround you and support you in this process. Be patient with the sadness, it is like a flower bud waiting to open, sometimes it takes your attention, focus, and patience in order for it to open up and reveal itself.

We wish you all the very best in your journey of shifting the sadness within and acknowledging the beauty that manifests in its place. We thank you, the Andromedans.

About the Channel

Natalie Glasson, Channel, Lightworker @ BlissfulVisions.com Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Website: Sacred School of OmNa

Letting Go of Low-Vibes to Rise Up to 5D

The 9D Arcturian Council channeled by www.DanielScranton.com - September 11, 2020

BlissfulVisions.com The 9D Arcturian Coucnil: “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been putting ourselves in a position vibrationally to be able to perceive more of what is happening there on planet Earth. We have been able to lower our vibration to such an extent to understand better the plight of the average human being on Earth at this time, and we must say that we are very impressed with how you have all been able to handle those energies. We are so very impressed by the way that you have handled yourselves in the face of such adversity in this calendar year, and we also know that you have been cross-connecting to other lifetimes where you’ve also been experiencing such adversity that it would be accurate to call those experiences traumatic.

A lot of people are carrying trauma with them and have yet to uncover that trauma, those traumas, and those feelings that have been with them for lifetimes. When you see someone else there on your world in a fit of rage, please understand that the person had to have experienced an intense amount of trauma to get to that point, to access those emotions. And the same is true when it comes to the actions of your fellow humans, not to mention their thoughts, their beliefs, and their words. You are all swimming in a sea of energies, and it is hard for you to go very far at all without bumping into one of these lower vibrational energies that is born out the experience of trauma.

If you could all see each other’s traumas like you can see each other’s faces and clothing, there would be so much more compassion and understanding on your world. You would be able to relate to one another so much better, and you would be able to come together with the knowing that you’ve all suffered. You’ve all felt the worst emotions there are to feel, and you all want to be happy. You all want to be free.

If knowing that can make all of you want to come together, to unite, then that is something else to focus on when dealing with every other human being you come into contact with. As we have told you previously, you can think to yourself, ‘there goes another aspect of Source,’ but on top of that, you can recognize that the aspect of Source in question is not fully aligned with that truth because of trauma.

You have the original trauma of separation from Source, which is an illusion of course, but a reality when you feel like it’s true. And there are countless traumas that you’ve experienced along your paths. We in the higher realms can feel all of them. We know about all of the suffering, and it is one of the reasons why we are so giving with the energies, the unconditional love, the compassion, and the healing that we offer in every moment of every day.

All you need to do is be willing to receive that help, and you will be well on your way to releasing your traumas, and then you can get on with the ascension of your consciousness. You can move so much energy with so little effort, because it wants to move, because you have helpers, and because it is time for you to let go of those lower-vibrational energies and to let yourselves rise up naturally to your truth, as beings of light and love, as fifth dimensional beings, as higher selves.We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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Road to Oneness