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Look up in the sky! Is it Superman? No, it's CHEMTRIALS!!!


Road to Oneness

Proposal to Initiate an Unbiased Scientific
Investigation into the Chemtrails Phenomena


Written by Reverend Dennis Shipman
Austin, Texas

While some may dismiss the idea as far-fetched or even crazy, the contentious subject of chemtrails has become a widespread topic in both the United States and worldwide.

Exploring the topic of chemtrails quickly reveals the challenge of determining the truth behind this phenomenon. The central question remains whether chemtrails are a genuine threat involving harmful substances, or if they are simply misinterpreted contrails with no scientific backing.

The mainstream view asserts there is insufficient evidence to prove the existence of chemtrails beyond what is considered to be contrails.

According to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the official stance is that chemtrails are “condensation trails, or contrails: cloud-like formations resulting from an airplane's exhaust condensation. The length of time these clouds persist is related to the amount of humidity in the air in which they are formed. Because jet engine exhaust may include pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur gases, and particulates, the ice particles that compose a contrail may also contain some level of these pollutants. However, those ice particles fall slowly through the atmosphere and eventually evaporate before reaching the Earth's surface.”

An email was sent to TCEQ, asking about the scientific methodology the Commission used to make its determination. "The general consensus at the TCEQ is that they don't have jurisdiction to investigate the contrails," was the response I received from State Senator Donna Campbell' office. "It's really best for you to work through the EPA and the National Weather Service. Our state-level agencies follow their lead on this matter."

The alteration of the atmosphere was first observed in American skies around the 1940s when the practice of cloud seeding to induce rain commenced with the use of silver iodide. This account is documented by investigative journalist William Thomas in his historical work, “Chemtrails Timeline.” Notably, Thomas references a prophecy from the Hopi Indians that dates back to pre-Columbian times, before Christopher Columbus's arrival in 1492. According to the Hopi elders from the Southwestern United States, this prophecy foretells the end of the Fourth Age of Man, marked by the appearance of "tracks" and "spiderwebs" in the sky.

In his 2000 book, “Chemtrails Confirmed,” Thomas presents landmark research and a perspective that diverges significantly from mainstream views. The publication asserts that chemtrails have been sighted globally, supported by numerous anecdotal accounts. Thomas substantiates these claims through confirmed interviews with credible eyewitnesses, including airline pilots, law enforcement officers, U.S. Marines, air traffic controllers (one of whom is a senior manager), and crews from the U.S. Air Force tankers. Furthermore, the book discloses the scientists involved in the chemtrails project and highlights the congressman responsible for supervising "America's exotic weapons" project.

Despite the numerous glowing reviews online praising this book, it does not escape the scrutiny of critics who have varied opinions. Some detractors label it as nonsensical, pointing out that it relies heavily on anecdotal evidence without any named witnesses, likely for understandable reasons. Additionally, certain reviewers highlight the author's admission of sourcing some information from internet and Chemtrail websites, thus questioning its authenticity and reliability.

One captivating tale recounted in this book captured the interest of a reader. The account of an individual who seemed to possess insider knowledge about the configuration of jets designed to release chemical substances into the air. What stood out was the meticulous detail with which this person described his insights into what he referred to as the chemtrail/missile shield initiative, known simply as "The Shield." However, the mysterious death of this person following his revelations only deepened the intrigue surrounding his testimony.

While the book presents intriguing firsthand testimonials from whistle-blowers, it fails to deliver definitive evidence that chemtrails are real or pose any danger to humans, the environment, or wildlife.

One of the most compelling documentary films to date, "The Dimming," has captured an impressive 25 million views on YouTube by 2021. According to GeoengineeringWatch.org, this film “definitively reveals the reality of worldwide climate manipulation initiatives.” The documentary seeks to identify the entities implementing these schemes and explores the potential ramifications if geoengineering and solar radiation management practices are not halted.

Dane Wigington serves as the executive producer of the film, "The Dimming." With a professional background in solar energy, he previously worked for Bechtel Power Corporation. As the principal researcher at GeoengineeringWatch.org, he has delved into various aspects of geoengineering, solar radiation management, and global ionosphere heating facilities such as HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), according to his biography on the website.

Wigington advises us on the significance of language when discussing the topic of geoengineering. The term "geoengineering" is associated with rigorous scientific investigation, he says, whereas the word "chemtrails" lacks such credibility and often directs those who search online to explanations involving "conspiracy theory" or "hoax." He recommends utilizing terms such as "climate engineering," "geoengineering," "solar radiation management," or "stratospheric aerosol injection" to maintain a focus on scientific discourse.

On the website GeoengineeringWatch.org, Wigington has curated an extensive collection of links categorized under “documents.” This section features a range of important geoengineering reports from notable sources such as the U.S. Government, NASA, the Department of Energy, and the United Nations, alongside contributions from the UK. It also includes information from universities and organizations active in this area, as well as weather derivative firms and associations focused on weather modification, particularly within the state of Texas.

On February 2, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. hosted a conversation with Dane Wigington on his weekly podcast, "The Defender Show," which is a production by Children’s Health Defense. The topic of discussion was: Are Chemtrails Real? The episode, lasting close to an hour, explored various inquiries such as: What scientific studies support their existence? How do they impact environmental health and contribute to climate change?

Wigington shared a wealth of harmful details, revealing to Kennedy that "in nearly every instance, they are sprayed particulate trails," as noted in Andrew Egger's article titled “The Truth Is Up There.”

As Wigington told Kennedy, each year, the atmosphere is infused with tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles as part of solar radiation management, “to block some of the sun’s incoming thermal energy with no consideration of the consequences whatsoever.” He contended that a complex scheme was in place to conceal these activities. This involved persuading pilots that they were engaged in a "benevolent mission" and imposing an unlawful gag order on all the country's meteorologists.

Kennedy acknowledged Wigington's points, emphasizing the significance of recognizing military initiatives aimed at turning climate into a tool of warfare. He admitted his awareness of such efforts, noting that this aligns with their practice of weaponizing various elements. Whether it involves chemicals or biological agents, if there's potential to turn something into a weapon, they are inclined to pursue it.

A bright light in this controversy is Tennessee Governor Bill Lee on April 11, 2024 signed into law a bill that outlaws chemtrails in the state. "The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads. Additionally, chemtrail bans have been introduced in eight states: Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Kentucky, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Florida and Texas.

On November 18, 2024, Republican Rep. Wesley Virdell, a newly elected member of Texas state House of Representatives, filed legislation for the upcoming legislative session beginning January 14, 2025. HB 1382 would ban "weather modification and control" in the state. The bill is modeled along the lines of the Tennessee law. The date Virdell’s bill would become effective is set for September 1, 2025.

At this point, it appears a wave of backlash from the states is gaining momentum in an effort to overthrow intentional injection of chemicals into the atmosphere. Perhaps a scientific study on the chemtrail phenomena is not necessary. Nevertheless, a trustworthy scientific study would clarify misconceptions, to dispel baseless assertions, and to quiet the detractors who label it as mere "conspiracy theory" or "hoax." Conducting a scientific investigation with credible scientists and credible evidence would elevate the entire subject to a completely new dimension.

Is it possible to find impartial scientists who can conduct this investigation without being swayed by influential power structures or financial interests that might affect the findings? If so, let us hope and pray that we will to be directed to them, or they will emerge upon the world stage - very soon.

Could there be confidential documents tucked away in an undisclosed location that, if uncovered or brought to light by whistle-blowers, would confirm the existence of chemtrails and their detrimental effects on both human health and the environment? Should this be the case, we hope for the courage and determination of these whistle-blowers to step forward and reveal such crucial information. # # #

Reverend Dennis Shipman holds graduate degrees in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysics and Journalism from California State University at Long Beach with over 40 years' experience in marketing and business development. Granted an honorable discharge, he served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam-era in Seoul, Korea and Nuremberg, Germany. His multi-cultural experience also includes living in Southern California, Hawaii, Arizona, Georgia, Nebraska, and Texas.



STOP Poisoning Our Families. A PETITION FOR THE CITIZENS OF TEXAS. Add your name now! Petition to prohibit the continuation of aerosolized spraying without prior testing and the formalized approval of public representatives to ensure the safety of our families and our environment.

CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR., President Trump's Nominee for the top job at U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services. He's in a perfect position to shut down Chemtrail operations, and launch a scientific investigation into the effects of Chemtrails on human life, the environment, and wildlife.

Send him this message or modify it to create your own: Dear Mr. Kennedy, please shut down chemtrail operations nationwide, then launch a scientific investigation to find out how harmful chemtrails are to human life, the environment, and wildlife. Dane Wigington of GeoEngineeringWatch.org should be on that team. The scientific team should produce an unbiased report with conclusive, factual evidence, that leaves no doubt in anyone's mind about the truth of the situation. Then please release the report free-of-charge to the American public. Thank you for your consideration on this matter, and all the best to you in the New Year.

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Chemtrails Tic-Tac-Toe Pattern Bombardment

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Our Future If We Don't Ban Chemtrails

Inside Chemtrail Airplane - Not Verified Yet Probable
Loading Chemtrail Chemicals Into Airplane
Chemtrail Delivery Device From Airplane
Chemtrail Delivery Device From Airplane


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Road to Oneness

Road to Oneness